Z Notes Blog by Jim Zumwalt
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Happy Birthday

March 30 - This month my blog turns 1 year old. I have enjoyed writing about my experiences in Japan and about the interesting people I meet. In response to reader requests, I began introducing aspects of the work we do at the U.S. Embassy in Japan. This blog has proven to be a fun way for me to communicate with Japanese people outside my circle of friends and acquaintances.

Even more important to me is the feedback I receive from you. Many of you have written encouraging notes. Some have asked questions about the U.S. Embassy or about my impressions of Japan. A few have written of your concerns about aspects of U.S.-Japan relations. I read all of your notes and take them very seriously.

Sometimes I think of blog topics as I am jogging around Tokyo or taking a walk. But more and more frequently I have come to rely upon your suggestions for ideas for blog topics. Thank you very much for taking time to read this blog, and please do continue to send me your suggestions and comments.

Until next time,



Congratulations on the first anniversary of your invaluable blog. I've learned a lot about many varied aspects of your activities as well as those of the people who have been dedicated to the furtherance of the relations of our two countries. I'll be continuously looking forward to read such interesting stories of yours. Thank you so much for the affection and efforts you have given to us Japanese through the blog.

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